Drd. Dan DINU* Abstract. The new trend of the Russian Federation for a strategy oriented towards hybrid actions determined NATO and EU to adopt some measures to counter this type of threats. The Russian Federation had some attempts to employ such techniques early after the Bolshevik Revolution … [Read more...]
Bahrain: Nailing the Lie in Washington’s Rhetoric on “The Arab Spring”
Global Research, November 10, 2011 10 November 2011 Region: Middle East & North Africa Theme: Law and Justice, Police State & Civil Rights US ally Bahrain continued its crackdown against popular calls for democratic rights with the illegal arrest and detention this week of … [Read more...]
Anul III, nr. 12 (2 / 2005) SUMAR EDITORIAL Gheorghe VĂDUVA - Repere geopolitice într-o posibilă dinamică a terorismului contemporan GEOPOLITICĂ Vasile MARIN - Fizionomia schimbării în geopolitică, ordinea mondială şi schimbarea Vasile NAZARE - Geopolitica între promisiuni şi … [Read more...]