Süreyya YİĞİT, PhD
Abstract. Ukraine faces a highly unpredictable 2019. This began domestically with the presidential election. The loss of the incumbent Poroshenko to a television comedian, Zelensky was not foreseen until very near the election date. The new president faces the challenges of maintaining territorial integrity when its eastern region is under occupation, Crimea annexed thus, its sovereignty non-existent in those areas. Additionally, there is a maritime crisis which erupted in late 2018 which has the potential to economically suffocate the country. Domestically, Zelensky’s election was also a rejection of politics of the past, of corruption and cronyism and the hope for a better future. This article investigates the external challenges facing Ukraine, how they developed and what costs they incur.
Chairman: Board of Directors, Regional Development Studies Institute, New York, U.S.A