Isa MULAJ The term New World Order (NWO) appears to get a more comprehensive meaning from the most recent evolution of dramatic events in various parts of the world. Officially, there is still no any unified approach how it may look like, upon which pillars it will be built, and how it would … [Read more...]
Rethinking and Reshaping Ukraine’s Positioning in the Spheres of Influence, Domination, and Integration: Geopolitics, Geoeconomy and Geomilitary
Isa MULAJ As the 20th anniversary of the fall of communism and disintegration of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) is approaching, Ukraine’s position from some perspectives can still be considered as unsettled or being shaped. After two decades of independence as a non-aligned … [Read more...]
Rusia, între nostalgia sovietică şi patriotismul naţional
Ionuţ SANDU MOTTO: „Principalul scop al Uniunii Sovietice este acela de a pleca pentru a rămâne ” (Jean Marie Benoist) După sfârşitul Războiului Rece, Vladimir Putin a decis să restabilească politica Kremlinului de dominare, prin reconsiderarea the statutului de mare putere pentru Rusia. … [Read more...]