prof. univ. dr. Ionuţ PURICĂ
When one talks about change e.g. climate change, there is a trend to consider one parameter that drives the process, in this case the CO2 emissions.
The reality, though, is more complex. In the process above the frequency of extreme events is increasing along with the environment temperature.
The complexity is showing up in economic intercorrelations in the World of today. One must include in the notion of economic relations all the fluxes that drive human life i.e. money, products, labor, information and energy, along with emissions, technologies, innovation, security, environment, etc.
The process that allowed the increase in the intensity of the above fluxes has triggered a counter reaction where the dynamic of importance of various countries starts to shift.
Some countries, like China, are looking toward the future. After absorbing all sort of technologies for a full generation, they start innovating new technologies from space to military to energy to informatics, etc. A future China that will pass from only a production hub of the World to one of the technology hubs. Obviously they are most likely to wish respect for this future status and if required in a peaceful way they will get it.