Abstract. The article deals with the topic of the relationship between Euro-scepticism and pro-Russianism in the EU countries. A representative of the so-called “old Europe” (France) and a member of the former Eastern Bloc and the Soviet sphere of influence (Poland) were selected for the analysis. Methodologically, the article is structured as a test of prominent journalists who preach Euro-scepticism for being pro-Russian and vice versa. It is shown that Euro-scepticism in Western Europe (France) is almost always paired with pro-Russian views, while in Eastern Europe (Poland) everything is not so unambiguous.
Keywords: Euro-scepticism, pro-Russianism, pro-Russian views, Russian influence, French media, Polish media
Euro-scepticism and the Russian factor have become increasingly important in the European media landscape. Scientists, in particular A. Polyakova (et al)2, A. Klapsis3 and many others, have noticed how closely the two factors are related, but at the level of media and journalism, this topic still needs research. The aim of this article is to trace the correlation between Euro-scepticism and Russophilia in the media space of the two European countries at the level of individual authors. We take into account four French and four Polish journalists, opinion makers of Euro-sceptic thinking, and test them for Russofilia. In some cases, we do the opposite, taking journalists with pro-Russian views and check whether they have Eurosceptic statements.
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