Aurelian LAVRIC, PhD
Abstract. Transnistrian conflict is one of a series of disputes at the EU borders. Together with the conflict from Eastern Ukraine, Transnistrian dispute worries the European community. Brussels is vitally interested in stability and security in Eastern Europe, because the situation from this region affects the security and prosperity of EU. Brussels is a member of 5+2 format of negotiations on Transnistrian conflict resolution. Therefore, the EU can contribute to the successful conclusion of negotiations by finding a lasting solution.
At the present the Transnistrian conflict is frozen. Still, because Russia is the supporter of the separatist regime from Tiraspol, in the event of expansion of the conflict from Eastern Ukraine in its Southern region (called by some Russian mass-media “Novorossia”), the Transnistrian conflict could be thawed, i.e. re-launched. This can affect EU as a neighbor of Moldova. Therefore, we can expect that EU will pay sufficient attention to the evolutions inside Moldova and Ukraine. Brussels can have a crucial role in conflict resolution in Transnistria by: 1) monitoring the situation, 2) supporting responsible decision makers, 3) activating a crisis center on Transnistrian conflict and on situation in Republic of Moldova – as an EU associated state, with serious problems, which can affect the European security system.
Keywords: Transnistrian conflict, European Union, European Neighborhood Policy, Republic of Moldova, Regional Security System
Transnistrian conflict is one in the list of a series of disputes at the borders of the European Union. In the Eastern dimension, together with the conflicts from Lugansk and Donetsk (Donbas) regions of Ukraine, Transnistrian conflict worries the European and the international communities. Brussels is vitally interested in stability and security in Eastern Europe, because the situation of that area affects the security and prospe-rity of EU. The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP), launched in 2003, was design as a tool to contribute to the stabilization of all border area, both in Southern direction – Mediterranean area, and in East European direction. In 2009, EU launched the Eastern Partnership program (EaP), inside of ENP, which comprised six post-soviet states: Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. From the beginning of the EaP and until now, three states (Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine) signed Associa-tion Agreements with European Union and expressed their, at least verbal, determination to implement the agenda of European Integration – to adopt the European values, principles and standards.
associate professor, Agency for Military Science and Memory, Chisinau, Moldova