ing. Remus DOGARU
Abstract. Global crises have, over time, been turning points in the development of human society. The current global crisis is a crossroads in the future of human society and an opportunity for the implementation of new technologies related to artificial intelligence and digitalization, topics that have been in the debate of society for some time. The impact of autonomous systems, systems controlled by artificial intelligence, on society, as well as the digitization process on the security environment may be the subject of future publications.
Începând cu noiembrie 2019, domenii reprezentative ale economiei globale sunt afectate într-o mare măsură de efectele pandemiei globale de COVID-19. Astfel, industria petrolieră (atât sectorul extractiv, cât şi cel de prelucrare), industria ospitalităţii (sectorul HoReCa – Hoteluri / Restaurante / Cantine), industria aeronautică sau cea a turismului, domenii cheie ale strategiei globale de dezvoltare, sunt prezente pe locurile fruntaşe ale listei cu „victimele” crizei globale ce ne modelează prezentul şi, mai mult ca sigur, viitorul pe termen mediu.
Inspector aeronautic / Direcţia Navigabilitate, Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Română
Representative of AACR in the various working groups specific to the field of unmanned aircraft on board, groups set up at European or global level, coordinator of the internal working groups of AACR in charge of implementing the European legislative framework specific to the field of unmanned aircraft in Romania.