Dr. Vasile NAZARE
Abstract. The largest country in Africa, with an area of over 2 million km2, has been and it still is haunted by internal conflicts, for a period of more then five decades (1955-2016). No matter we are referring to the justified war of secession and independence (1955-1972), ended with the Addis-Ababa accord (Ethiopia), or whether we mention the conflicts between South Sudan’s political leaders, president Salva Kiir (the Commander of government troops) and vice president Riek Machar (replacing John Garang in Sudan People’s Liberation Army, 2013); between Sudan and South Sudan regarding their borders or even the tragic ethnic genocides from Darfur region (Furu, Masal and Zaghawa), a direct consequence of clashes between Sudan’s government forces and SPLA’s rebels joined by the Justice and Equality Movement (led by G. Ibrahim)… Seeing this picture, we can decipher a series of factors, such as: ethnic (tribal), economic, religious, social, political, juridical, geopolitical, geostrategic and military.
Conferenţiar universitar dr., Asociaţia de Geopolitică „Ion Conea”