Aquaproiect S.A. is a renowned design, studies and consulting company in the field of water management and environmental engineering, with an experience of 60 years and a large sphere of activities, specialized in river regulation and flood protection works, the design of water construction works (dams and storage reservoirs, water diversion and head races, dikes, water supply systems and sewerage systems), irrigation systems, civil constructional works, roads and bridges, waste storages, studies in the fields of topography, geodesy, geology, environmental protection studies and engineering and studies on low, mean and high water management, technical assistance, consultancy, construction behavior tracking and documentation for permits and authorizations.
Aquaproiect SA currently has approx. 100 employees, undertaking its activity in its Bucharest Headquarters (Romania), Erbil Subsidiary – Kurdistan Autonomous Region of Iraq and Chisinau Subsidiary – Republic of Moldova.
The company employs a wide range of specialties covering areas such as: Hydrotechnics, Land Reclamation, Civil Engineering, Mechanics / Hydromechanics, Automation, Road & Bridge building, Hydro-energy, Architecture, Environmental, Geotechnics / Geology, Topography / Geodesy, GIS Specialists, Labor Health & Safety Experts, Economics, IT & other support staff.
The main activity of S.C. AQUAPROIECT S.A according to CAEN1 codification is CODE 7112 – Activities of Engineering and Related Technical Consultancy.
AQUAPROIECT S.A. is a renowned company, continuing the activity of the ”Design Institute for Hydraulic Constructions” founded in 1953 in Romania. Throughout its existence, the company gradually expanded its array of activity, today representing a dominant force in the market and covering a large array of activities.
The types of activities undertaken by the company are:
Environmental and water management studies, including hydrological and hydraulic studies, basin water management plans and flood control maps. The company has undertaken a significant number of projects as environmental impact assessments, undertaking of EIA procedure, environmental balance studies, as well as obtaining the necessary permits and authorizations for a large diversity of works, including water management permits, environmental authorizations, up to obtaining of construction authorization.
Studies and design for water course management and land reclamation improvement – irrigation systems, drainage systems, soil erosion control, water regulations, embankment design of works for flood control against sea coastal erosion and coastal stabilization.
Oil industry studies and engineering, from investigation works undertaken for pollution evaluation, remediation solutions and decontamination projects, field which expanded starting with 2012.
Land studies (topographic surveying, geotechnical studies), holding the technical expertise and necessary equipment to conduct such studies.
Technical assistance in the field and supervision of construction works.
Civil construction architecture and design of infrastructure works (such as water supply and/or sewerage systems, pumping stations, roads and bridges design, design of ecological waste disposal sites).
Design and behavior tracking of water constructional works (dams and storage reservoirs, dikes, extensions, intakes, headraces and hydro-mechanical equipment).
Informational systems.
The sphere of engineering works provided by S.C. AQUAPROIECT S.A. covers a project from its pre-feasibility stage, through feasibility study, elaboration of technical documentations for obtaining the necessary authorizations and permits, technical design, execution details, all the way through project management implementation, consultancy in tender book specifications, monitoring and works supervision.
The company holds the necessary authorizations for undertaking the above activities, and its competency is proved by its history in the market of over 58 years and hundreds of successful projects. Moreover, the company is a member of internal and international bodies in the field and has high class specialists (doctors in sciences, university teaching staff, authors of technical publications, inventors etc.) with rich experience in the designing of river basin development works for low, mean and high water management with a view to providing water users, protecting against the destructive effects of floods, and environmental protection.
S.C. AQUAPROIECT S.A. holds a large variety of certificates and attestations as required by the activity domain, as follows:
1. Certificate regarding the implementation and maintaining a quality system according to the standard SR EN ISO 9001: 2008, issued by S.R.A.C. / IQNet
2. Certificate for certifying the environment management system, according to the standard SR EN ISO 14001: 2005, issued by S.R.A.C. / IQNet
3. Certificate for certifying the occupational health and security management system, according to SR EN OHSAS 18001: 2007, issued by S.R.A.C. / IQNet
4. Certificate for attesting the Information Security Management System, according to international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013, issued by S.R.A.C. / IQNet
4. Certificate for attesting the Social Responsibility system, according to international standard SA 8000: 2008, issued by IQNet
5. Certificate for Drawing up the documentation for request of Water Management Permit substantiation and works in the fields of: hydraulic studies, hydro-geological studies, water management studies and documentation for obtaining the water management permit / authorization, issued by the Romanian Ministry of Environment
6. Certificate of incorporation at the National Register of Study Developers for environmental protection, for RM (environmental impact), RIM (environmental impact report), BM (environmental balance), RA (field report), RS (security report), EA (environmental assessment), issued by the Romanian Ministry of Environment
7. Authorization for Laboratory testing, GTF profile, issued by the Romanian State Construction Inspectorate
8. Certificate of Technical Attestation for design and consultancy, road works, bridges and related works, issued by the Association Professional Roads and Bridges in Romania
9. Authorization Certificate for drawing and verifying works in the field of Cadaster, geodesy and mapping, class I, issued by the Romanian National Agency of Cadaster and Real Estate Advertising
10. Attestation certificate for attesting legal entities which have the capacity to perform activities in the field of land reclamation on agricultural land, issued by the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
11. Certificate for ”Designing electrical wires, aerial and underground, at nominal voltage of 0.4 kV 20-kv and transformer station with superior nominal voltage of maximum 20 kV”, issued by the Romanian National Authority of Energy Regulation
12. Authorization of Railway Provider, issued by the Romanian Railway Authority – AFER
13. Railway Technical Agreement, for Design services in the field of railway infrastructure, issued by the Romanian Railway Authority – AFER
14. Railway Technical Agreement, for providing topographical, geodesic geologic, hydraulic and hydro-geologic studies for railway infrastructure, issued by the Romanian Railway Authority – AFER
15. Railway Technical Agreement, for providing impact studies and monitoring the environmental factors for railway infrastructure areas, issued by the Romanian Railway Authority – AFER
16. Certificate for Design of forestry roads, issued by National Directive Romsilva
17. Certificate for Works of land reclamation in forestry sector, issued by Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests
18. Authorization for Design of systems and installations for signal, alarm an alert in case of fire, issued by MAI-IGSU, Romanian National Center for Security in Case of Fire and Civil Protection
Beneficiary: Consiliul Judeţean Hunedoara, Ţara: România
Types of services provided: Elaboration of Detail design (Technical Design + Specifications), Elaboration of Documentations for obtaining the permits / authorizations, Elaboration of documentation for obtaining the Works Permit
Project description:
Waste mass will be rearranged and placed inside the sites which will be rehabilitated to ensure an adequate slope of the final slope.
For preventing formation of leachate in maintenance phase or release of odors or other emissions a surface sealing layer shall be applied. The sealing layer will be applied only on finale re-profiled surface of the deposit.
Surface sealing layer will include the following layers (starting with inferior part towards superior one):
Support layer (levelling)
Gas drain layer
Geotextile protection layer
Layer for impermeability
Geotextile protection layer
Rainfall water drainage layer
Geotextile separation layer
Re-vegetation layer (soil and vegetal layer)
INSTALLATION FOR DEPOSIT GAS COLLECTION AND EVACUATION is meant to ensure a controlled collection of fermentation gas formed within deposit mass which contains biodegradable waste for a long period.
If the formed gas is not evacuated in a controlled manner form the deposit, its migration and accumulation may show several risks. Considering the Technical regulatory for deposits in force, the bio-gas shall be collected using a capture installation, composed of:
– biogas extraction pits;
– biogas collection and transport system including pipes, dehydration system and gas substation;
– gas combustion system.
The works for site flood protection include the following:
– Perimeter culverts padded with PEID 2.00 mm membranes. These ditches spread around the deposit and prevent rainfall water infiltration within the deposit and rain water collection from finale surface enclosure.
– Collector for intake of rain water and transport it to a retention basin that can empty.
Environment monitoring refers to periodical tests and inspections for assessment of the impact of rehabilitated sites over the environment. The measurement will be conducted monthly at works commencement until their completion, every 3 months in the first year and every 6 months to the expiry period of monitoring.
The global monitoring system of the deposit will include:
Underground water monitoring system.
Monitoring system of deposit’s body compaction.
1 CAEN – classification of the activities in the national economy is accordance to the NACE (classification of economic activities in the EU) and CITI (International Standard Classification (rev. 3) adopted by UNO in February 1989.