Emilia Nicoleta SCHIOP
Abstract. The paper intends to show the relations between European Union and Azerbaidjan. It observes the progress towards development of the Azerbaijani state.
In the today multipolar world certain events from remote areas may have significant effects in the major power centers. It is interesting to see what happens in the Caucasus with possible implications for the European Union.
First of all, I will show the European actions, the enlargement policy from the previous years, to highlight the relation between EU and non EU neighboring countries. Also, I will present Azerbaijan from the historically point of view (contemporary history), to be able to observe both the proximity to Europe and Russia. Later, I will insist on the economy of this state, which is focused mainly on natural gas. It is important to note, however, that the economic growth had legislative cause and the effect was increasing insurances.
Azerbaijan is part of the Nabucco project, whose purpose was to eliminate Europe’s energy dependency on Russia.
Even if the Azeri state is far from a possible European integration, it has economic relations with member states, notably by SOCAR company.
Masterandă în anul II la specializarea Management şi Negocieri Internaţionale şi Europene, Facultatea de Studii Europene, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, absolventă a specializării Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Euopene, Facultatea de Studii Europene, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca (2015)