Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU1, PhD
Abstract. The present paper is an analysis of how SCO opens towards transcontinental dimensions such as the integration into a common vision (Eurasian) of certain projects initiated by various power centres aiming at a position of regional distinct leader for Eurasia (China, Russia, Iran, Turkey etc.) and which now unify their efforts to implement a type of transcontinental integration that exceeds the current level of understanding (focused on a strict interstate cooperation, whilst each project initiator for Eurasia maintains its regional leader ambition). The very ”Eurasia mega-project” discussed in this paper is no longer regarded by the regional leaders interested in its development as a singular project, led by a certain power centre; instead it increasingly becomes a synthesis-project, a common project born from bringing together several projects initiated by regional leaders, and their visions, initially considered singular geopolitical visions, often competing, antagonistic. Exceeding this stage, the regional power centres display an unexpected level of geopolitical maturity for the Eurasian area and a common aspiration to achieve unity in this area, an area envisioned as a mega-civilization of the 21st century, in a complex sense, yet to be deciphered.
Key words: ”Eurasia mega-project”, SCO, trans-continental project, trans-continental integration, Eurasian Diplomatic Structure
1 The present article represents only the personal opinion of the author and it does not involve in any form any other natural person or legal entity. All the rights over the present text are reserved. The quotations from the present text are made by mentioning the author and the complete source.
Mădălina Virginia Antonescu holds a Ph.D. in European Law, at University of Bucharest, Department of Law (2009) and she is scientific researcher with Romanian Diplomatic Institute. She holds a diploma of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne University (1998) and a master of National School for Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest, specialization ”International relations and European integration” (2001-2003). She is author of several books about European Union, international law etc.