In Romania, ever since the beginning of the Romanian educational system, there were preoccupations about scientific research in the field of Geopolitics, Political Geography and Geo-Strategy.
After the fall of the communist system in 1989, the necessity of re-focusing attention on Geopolitics and its revival came out in Romania, in the view of overlapping disciplines in the area of Geography, History, Economy, Sociology and Politics.
In the year 2002, on initiative of a community of academics, researchers, geographers, generals and officers, it was founded the first Geopolitical Association of Romania – ”Ion Conea” Geopolitical Association (AGIC), aimed to continue the academic preoccupations of the Interwar period, preoccupations that situated the Romanian School of Geopolitics at the same level with other European School of high prestige and value.
”Ion Conea” Geopolitical Association elaborated scientific studies regarding Geopolitics, Political Geography, Geo-strategy, Ethno-psychology, Geo-history, Geoeconomy etc, realizing the formation of a scientific discussion framework for the theoretical problems from the mentioned areas. Through research papers and articles written by the members of the Association and internal and external contributors, it was realized the creation and enforcing of new scientific criteria for analysis and promotion of national strategy, of an Euratlantic type, to support the interest through scientific substantiation of modern concepts regarding the nation, national state, ethnical-religious minority, counteracting the asymmetrical risks and theories which interpret the facts from the view of an ideology etc. In the same time, it was taken into consideration that there should be promoted the cultural values, geopolitical traditions and also the Romanian national view of life at international events.
In the geopolitical and geostrategic studies promoted in the pages of GeoPolitica Magazine and in the papers edited/published by Top Form Publishing, there were taken into consideration the recognition, defending and applying the rights of ethnical-religious minorities from Romania and supporting the Romanians living abroad, based on high esteemed and renowned Romanian traditions from the mentioned areas, beginning with Simion Mehedinţi, Ion Conea, Anton Golopenţia and other important figures of academic life of Romania in the area of Geography, History, military structures, Sociology, Literature, Linguistics etc, for the purpose of realizing the continuity and removal of the damages dating form the communist period.
GeoPolitica Magazine and the specialized papers of the members and contributors of ”Ion Conea” Geopolitical Association were promoted at various national and international events. Thanks to the prestige of the activity of the members of the Association, multiple contacts with international scientific environment were realized and there were developed many collaboration projects and partnerships with geopolitical research centers and renowned academics.
”Ion Conea” Geopolitical Association generated a number of clubs for geopolitical analysis, like as: Club GeoPolitica, founded in 2003, generated a series of national and international Conferences, Seminars, colloquia, regarding the contemporary geopolitical situations, terrorism, crisis management, cyber-security, in cooperation with ”Carol I” National Defense University, ”Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs, University of Bucharest, Turkish Businessmen Association of Romania, Institute of Turkish and Central-Asian Studies of ”Babeş-Boliyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, ”Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Hyperion University, Oil and Gas University of Ploieşti etc..
It promotes since 2011, together with its partners, the ”GeoPolitica” International Summer School format – now at its seventh edition, debating problems regarding contemporary geopolitical evolutions: geopolitics of the Arab-Islamic space of Middle East and North Africa, energy geopolitics, frozen conflicts and asymmetrical conflicts etc. There were participants from Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, USA, Luxembourg, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania to date.
Young participants from Summer Schools or contributors of GeoPolitica Magazine are promoted, benefiting from co-ordination by members of AGIC.
GeoPolitica Club Romania, a format of interactive conferences organized together with foreign diplomats accredited to Bucharest and foreign analysts, like those in collaboration with HE Mr. Ambassador Eldar Hasanov – Azerbaijan, HE Mr. Ambassador Ömür Sölendil – Turkey, HE Ms. Ambassador Saloua Bahri – Tunisia, HE Mr. Ambassador Mohammed Seed Al-Shakarshi – Iraq, HE Mr. Ahmad Aquel – Palestine, HE Mr.
Ambassador Abdulrahman Al Rassi – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, HE Mr. Ambassador Oleg Serebrian – Republic of Moldova, HE Mr. Ambassador Teofil Bauer – Ukraine etc.
GeoPolitica Club Café – Cafeneaua Geopolitică addresses analysts from various fields, who want to understand the contemporary geopolitical dynamics. At public debates, our guests are analysts, researchers, diplomats, journalists and academics from top areas, which impart their research experience with the young participants.
GeoPolitica Magazine was founded in 2003, PhD. Vasile Simileanu having the initiative, it is a quarterly magazine about Political Geography, Geopolitics and Geostrategy, every number having a different subject. This Magazine is an important instrument, necessary to decision making, at the levels of state administration, military organisms, international organisms, financial and banking companies, commercial or in the area of production, due to the information, useful and relevant analysis, contained comments and documentaries. Under the auspices of the Magazine, there were published reference works regarding contemporary geopolitics and geo-strategy.
The Old Silk Road and Extra-Europe Clubs are devoted to analysis of the extra-communitary euratlantic spaces, promoting relevant analysis for organizations and institutions interested in the evolution of the business, economical, financial and banking environments.
The members of these clubs are renowned Romanian and foreign personalities, which generate strategies in areas of strategic and geopolitical interest, elaborate analysis and offer consulting services to the Romanian and Foreign business environment.
A recently launched project of ”Ion Conea” Geopolitical Association is GeoPolitica TV, that aims to present to the general public interviews with personalities from diplomatic, academic, governmental environment, renowned analysts, to facilitate the access to the content of the conferences, seminars and summer schools,