prof. DSc Sevdalina DIMITROVA*
chief assist. Daniel BERCHEV, PhD**
Abstract. The security environment – dynamic, largely uncertain, risky and unpredictable – has highlighted the security issues of the European Union (EU) on the Union’s Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). Military action in Ukraine is changing the tone of the debate in this direction – controversial and often aggressive. And this is more than indicative of the problems within the Union, the dominant role of individual member states, with a strong dependence on decision-making, which is often characterized by a lack of pragmatism, diplomacy, analysis, listening to “other” opinions. And in times of multi-layered crises that further pose security risks – national, regional, international. By the way, such an approach has been in the politics of the Union for years, especially in the last decade, with the Covid-19 pandemic situation being particularly acute, and now in the midst of hostilities in a country that is not even a member of the EU. But it is precisely these actions that provoke us to think about the decisions, promises, actions, effects for the CSDP of the EU.
Keywords: security, strategy, European security compass, military action, Ukraine
* Prof. DSc Sevdalina Ilieva Dimitrova, Vassil Levski National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Professional field “National Security”, Scientific specialty “Organization and management outside the sphere of material production (Security and Defence)”
** lieutenant colonel, Chief assistant Daniel Stoyanov Berchev, PhD, Vassil Levski National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria