Abstract. The vast Black Sea region has quickly become a hybrid theater for competition for the new world order. Recent turbulent developments confirm that this region is, for Moscow, the favorite terrain for the manifestation, expression and imposition of the post-Soviet (neo-Soviet) expansionist / imperialist project “USSR 2.0”. The road to Russia of Russian tanks passes through the north of the Black Sea and has already begun again. But the Black Sea is also back on the West’s priority agenda, under Russian Kalibr missile fire. It is time to quickly build security architectures capable of stopping the new imperialist projects of the Russian Federation in the region. The role of the wider Black Sea region is also essential from the perspective of the rapid and credible articulation of these security mechanisms and architectures. The Russian imperialist project USSR 2.0 will continue a la longue, surviving any scenario, with or without Vladimir Vladimirovich at the buttons of the Kremlin power. However, the Euxin Bridge can become the tomb of the new Russian imperialist project and a sacred place for the reinvention of Europe and the (liberal) world.
“Black Sea first!” scriam în urmă cu ceva vreme în revista „GeoPolitica”[1], enunţând neechivoc şi credibil schimbări paradigmatice în arhitectura de securitate regională de la Marea Neagră şi creşterea substanţială subsecventă a relevanţei strategice a regiunii.
* Preşedintele Asociaţiei Casa Mării Negre / Black Sea House, Constanţa
[1], editorial