Astract. The doctoral thesis “Economic development of Turkey: the role of the Turkish entrepreneurial diaspora in Romania” analyses the Turkish entrepreneurial diaspora in Romania and highlights its role in the economic development of Turkey in general and in increasing relations with Romania, especially. The thesis is a pioneering, interdisciplinary, exploratory one, which combines aspects related to the fields of economic development with those of migration and contributes to the enrichment of the specialized literature, by approaching the aspects of economic development in correlation with aspects related to migration (diaspora). The conclusions of the thesis show that Turkey’s development model focused on Kemalist philosophy, and the Turkish diaspora is an important element both in Turkey’s economic development and in promoting the country globally. The Turkish diaspora in Romania is in full formation and will continue to be the main link of these Romanian-Turkish relations, regardless of the political nature of governmental relations, being influenced by both endogenous and exogenous factors.
Keywords: migrants, Turkish, Europe, Turkey, Germany, Austria, Romania, Holland, France, Great Britain, USA
1 Extras din Teza de doctorat: „Dezvoltarea economică a Turciei: rolul diasporei antreprenoriale turce din România”, cap. 3. Rolul diasporei turce în dezvoltarea economică a Turciei. Acest capitol cuprinde mai multe paragrafe publicate iniţial în articolul: Gungor, G. şi Zaharia, R. (2017). The Entrepreneurial Turkish Diaspora in Romania – a Bridge for Mutual Economic Development. „Transformations in Business & Economics”, Vol. 16, No. 2A, 2017, pp. 551+, Brno – Kaunas – Riga – Vilnius
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