The realm of the never tamed crises and conflicts as seen now on governmental and academia’s monitoring radars at the intersection of the recent evolutions regarding the perpetually stronger and diverse military and the branded dissembling diplomacy for the region
Gheorghe DUMITRU, PhD
Executive Summary: In addition to what this author has recently dealt with, the present paper aims to shed further light on a stock of particular aspects related the Military’s recent evolutions in the MENA region at the intersection with the realm of diplomacy.
Gheorghe Dumitru is a former Romanian career diplomat with the last post ambassador of Romania to Egypt; previously he was the Deputy Head of Mission in New York, with the rank of an ambassador and the Political Counsellor of the Romanian delegation to the UN Security Council (2004-2005); he was also Ambassador of Romania to Nigeria.
Gheorghe Dumitru, „The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) at The Twilight of the Fateful Century 1918-2018 and the Hazy Dawn of a New Time of Uncertainties: Invitation to an Exercise in Contemplating, From A Civilian Deck, the Region’s Military Tapestry, Focusing on Its Largest Area, Namely the Arab Army. “Guiding Manual”: author’s glosses in tandem with takeaways from some of the most recent scholarly studies and press reports on the subject-matter”, in Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, Vol. XVI no. 2 / 2019 (, and Gheorghe Dumitru, „Further Contemplating, from a Civilian Deck, the Military Tapestry of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Poles of Military Power in a Region Awash in Armies, Armed Groups and Weapons. Major Factors Accentuating the Tapestry’s Character as a “Work in Progress” (Part II), in Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations, vol. XVII No. 1 2020 (