Dr. Adrian FILIP
„Am avut iniţiativa de a crea o Europă. Am vrut să fie la frontierele geografiei. Aici, la Strasbourg, am acceptat-o la frontierele libertăţii. La ora actuală, fără a lua în calcul că aceste limite pot fi durabile, începem crearea sa la frontierele voinţei.” Georges Bidault
Abstract. The geopolitics of the Black Sea – the geopolitics of continuous change.
After a long period of stagnation and realignment of the Central and East European states we take note on the effects of their repositions, primarily concerning the so called „history making” states of the area. Notably we approach the case of a formerly world power fallen to the role of a regional one willing to play again in a different league, of global level, like the Russian Federation. We review the particulars of powerful actors in search of an extended regional clout in the Middle East and partly in the Balkans, like Turkey. In a follow-up to the above we must analyse the cases of Ukraine and Georgia, states that are on a open collision course with Russia due to their public closeness to the Western values. Nonetheless, we briefly approach the special situations of Romania and Bulgaria, countries that eventually lost their voices at any relevant negociating table due to their prolonged, institutionalized incapacity to advance in-house strategies at regional level.
profesor asociat, Universitatea „Andrei Şaguna”, Constanţa, membru AGIC