At the last years in the Eurasia emerged new forms of nontraditional threats as virtual and cyber warfaring. The virtual warfaring used in cyberwar, netwar, informational warfare by the radical militants and terrorists groups. The enhancing of dependening from the Information Technology, and transmit information, transforming to the importance of cybersecurity. That’s why the cyberspace will be widely used by all types of actors, as traditional and nontraditional but the effects of their actions are very multifunctional.1 In 1998, the terrorist groups flooded Sri Lankan embassies with several hundreds emails a day for a two-week period. The messages simply read ”We are the Internet Black Tigers and we’re doing this to interrupt your communications.” The analyst charac-terized it as the first cyber terrorism case from the foreign militants. Also was a stolen e-mail from the India’s Bhabha Atomic Research Center in the summer of 1998. The three anonymous saboteurs claimed in an Internet interview to have been protesting recent Indian nuclear blasts (Briere, 2005). The electronic security is a significant component in countering extremists. The capability of extremists for cyber attacks have a huge negatively impact on the national economies and security after their expanding in space of destructive propagandas and agitation. The ISIS members already have attacked servers of military departments of EU states. David DeWalt (head of cyber security firm FireEye) noted that the militants grouping ”uses internet capacities differently from the other extremists: if the majority of extremist organisations use internet as the mean to submit their ideas to the people, the ISIL uses the net to recruit the new members and send the threats to their opponents”. The Caliphate Cyber Army (CCA) is a pro-ISIS hacking community that is to target other hacktivists as Anonymous, which have been fighting against them and trying to embarrass the extremists. The ”information warfare” experts report that some members of the grouping took special courses in stage direction, camera work, announcers and actors courses.
Strategic consultant, Uzbekistan
1 IT is the entire infrastructure, organisation, personnel, and components that collect, process, store, transmit, display, disseminate and act on information.