Dr. Romulus HÂLDAN*
Abstract. Russia’s military rise is a reality that, although initially was contested and minimized, is now a unanimously accepted reality. Russia’s military power vectors consists of complex modern weapons with exceptional performance and which make Russia able to reposition itself as stable and favorable as possible in the global geopolitical and geostrategic spectrum. On the one hand, we have the indisputable reality of Russia’s military power, and on the other hand, a propaganda and disinformation that provides discouragement, but also false trails for those who intend to know the truth.
Also, Russia, as a major supplier of weapons on the world market, strongly advertises both through the media and, in particular, by real testing in the areas of conflict where it is present, the technique and the weapons which intends to trade as much and as advantageously as possible.
Thus, in Russia’s case, an analysis of its military power vectors is a complicated endeavor, because a real race must be made between reality, propaganda, advertising and misinformation.
* Clubul Amiralilor