Dr. Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU*
Abstract. Academic views regarding the EU nature, its organization and its way of working are numerous and various. Within our paper, we’ll take into account only some theoretical elements of several scenarios concerning possible ways, at the Russian Federation’s disposal, that might keep under control the European Union, having as effect the obstruction of the Union from becoming a powerful political actor. This is the topic of our approach, within the general issue proposed by this special number of the GeoPolitica journal; we must submit such an issue to an academic study, at least by evaluating some theoretical options of the analyzed actors.
[1] Prezentul material exprimă exclusiv un punct de vedere personal al autoarei, bazat pe interpretarea şi pe analiza unor documente din surse publice.
* Dr. în drept, cercetător ştiinţific, Univ. Bucureşti