Dr. Serghei HACMAN*
Abstract. This article is dedicated to the one of the most complicated issues of contemporary Ukrainian-Romanian relations. The author makes a shorthistorical retrospective of appearing and developing border problems in the bilateral Ukrainian-Romanian relations. Though Romania was between the first countries which established diplomatic relations with independent Ukraine, during the long period of time it was the only one among NATO members and applicants for EU membership which had territorial disputes with its neighbour – Ukraine. Strong wish to become member of NATO in its first wave of enlargement caused Romania to sign in 1997 ”Treaty on good neighbourhood and cooperation between Ukraine and Romania”, but question on state border and its regulations wasn’t included in the document which was the biggest achievement of Romanian foreign affairs department.
The border problem between Ukraine and Romania consists of several aspects, one of which has been caused by changes of natural landscape on the territory of Zakarpattia oblast. The question of five islands in Danube delta was also difficult because Ukrainian and Romanian diplomats evaluated situation by applying different principles of border delimitation. But one of the most complicated problems which were solved by two states was the problem connected with the water area around the island Zmijiny. That problem was solved by International Court in Hague. Nowadays both sides are working on creating more transparent conditions for crossing the border by citizens of both sides.
Keywords: Ukrainian-Romanian relations, border problems, island Zmijiny, islands in Danube, border delimitation
* Doctor în istorie, docent (conferenţiar) în ştiinţe politice şi administraţie publică, secretar ştiinţific al Centrului politologic bucovinean