Parcursul euro-atlantic – factor de stabilitate în Balcanii de Vest
Mrd. Aurel LAZĂR*
Abstract. Montenegro is at the crossroads of the East and the West with a very important geostrategic position in Western Balkans and its foreign policy has been oriented toward EU and NATO prior its independence. Concerning Russia and its neighbors, the general approach was very skillful in order to maintain a peaceful regional climate. Montenegro recognized the importance of good neighborly relations and of integration as ways toward a successful development. Despite having good historic and cultural relations with Russian Federation, Kremlin’s attempted to change the Euro-Atlantic path through subversive actions but without very consistent results.
Key words: independence, Euro-Atlantic, integration, Russia
* Masterand, Şcoala Naţională de Studii Politice şi Administrative, Master Diplomaţie şi Negocieri Internaţionale.