Lect. Cristina POSAŞTIUC, PhD
Articolul îşi propune să se adreseze analizei schimbărilor comportamentului colectiv şi implicaţiilor sale largi prin analiza celor doi factori principali ce direcţionează schimbările sus-menţionate: o schimbare în modul cum tehnologia este utilizată social nu ca mijloc de a obţine mai eficient informaţia, ci drept stil de viaţă şi flexiunile subsecvente în acţiunile individuale şi utilizarea mecanismelor pentru crearea de identitate. Acest articol dezbate faptul că ajunul noului fenomen al “fragile movements” generate de “distracted people” (termeni introduşi de sociologul digital Mark Carrigan, 2015) – va generate schimbări societale radicale.
Abstract. This article aims to address the analysis of changes in collective behavior and its wider implications by analyzing two main drivers of the above-mentioned changes: a shift in how technology is socially used not as a means to get information more efficiently but as a lifestyle and the subsequent warps in individual action and use of mechanisms for identity building. This paper argues that the advent of a new phenomenon of “fragile movements” generated by “distracted people” (terms coined by digital sociologist Mark Carrigan, 2015) – will generate sweeping societal changes.
Keywords: fragile movements, distracted people, mind change, intelligence analysis
“Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy
[…] POSAŞTIUC – A New Breed of Social Actors and Social Movements. The Age of Mind Change […]