Through its historical content, the evolution in Antiquity, historical research, the interpreting of archaeological data, the North of Black Sea is one of the most important areas of the continent. As Herodot and Strabon tell us, the Scythians, Getics, Tyragetics, Bastarnae and Roxolanae lived here. Intensively colonized by Greeks, great cities grew here (Tyras, Olbia, Chersonesos, Panticapaeum, Phanagoria, Theodosia, Tiritaka, Nimphaeum, Gorgippia, Mirmekion (Fig. 1). The colonists’ presence determined important structural changes in the communities here. The urban life developed, the population moved closer to Nistru, Nipru and Don rivers. There are also some ethnics changes, especially at the beginning of the first millennium. Apart from Greek and Roman colonists, the Thracians make an aboriginal category, as the archaeological researches show. Out of a total consisting in 2600 inscriptions from the Bosporan Kingdom, 65% are Greek names, 13,2% are Roman, 12,5% are Iranian, 9,3% Thracians.
The archaeologists from the Soviet period tried to hide the ethno-cultural reality of this area. Having this purpose, they used such terms as ”barbarian invasions”, ”late centuries”, ”the Sarmatians’ phase” to describe the phenomena and the processes in progress. Even the most important archaeological materials were analyzed only through their technical features in order to minimize their cultural major aspect. For instance, they often use ”the red laquered ceramic”, ”the modelled ceramic”, ”the red clay amphora”, ”the light clay amphora”, instead of Roman or aboriginal ceramic (Scythian, Sarmatian Thracian) (Fig. 2, 3). They prefer the terms from the Greek period to describe the new phenomena from the Roman era. The historical reality highlights the fact that in the first part of the first millennium after Christ the Romans are present in the region. In the year 17 a.Chr. the Emperor Augustus and Livia’s statues are being installed at Panticapaem. This way, new relationships are established between the communities in the north part of the Black Sea and the Roman Empire which are going to last, with few breaks determined by the migratory attacks till the seven century.
The Moesic legions are very present in the region; the number of Roman colonists grows at 25% as it is shown in the inscriptions at Chersonesos, the economic bounds with the production and trade centers represent the main characteristic of the period. The archaeological research proves the fact that the epoch of reforming from the period of Domination is also felt over here. The great cities develop as real Roman centers and the Roman goods enter the local communities (Fig. 4). The most important city in the region is Chersonest. It is a military Roman center connected with Moesia province (Fig. 5), being organized after the model of the big metropoles (Fig. 6). It also becomes one of the most important Christian center from the Eastern Roman Empire (Fig. 7).
The evolution of the North part of the Black Sea in the Roman and Roman-Byzantine era provides enough reasons for us to name the region North-Pontic Moesia.