“Pentru a promova dezvoltarea statelor membre şi pentru a susţine proiectele de cooperare economică din cadrul Organizaţiei de Cooperare de la Shanghai, China a decis să dea celorlalte state membre un împrumut de 10 miliarde de dolari. Vrem să facem din OCS o platformă eficientă pentru a intra în dialog internaţional şi pentru a-şi extinde influenţa internaţională”
HU JINTAO – preşedintele Republicii Populare Chineze
The purpose of this paper is to give some insight on a subject, both interesting and controversial: the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership, better known as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Russia and China have strengthen their diplomatic and economic ties after years of hostility and suspicion during the Cold War and both countries had shown strong reserve towards an American military involvement in what they perceive as their spheres of influences. Shanghai Cooperation Organization is yet another expression of the fact that the gravitational center of international economy and diplomacy is shifting gradually into the Asian region. SCO is positioning itself as a force to be reckon with, more than capable of taking decisions at global level and also functioning side by side with other more or less similar structures, such as: G8, G20, The European Union or The Arab League. Also, in the latest years, no statement whatsoever would be released by the organization in order to favor in any way the idea of promoting democracy or democratic values of any kind. More also, it is by no means too hard to notice that all the countries involved in SCO with full membership have a truly authoritarian vocation.