Abstract. The article explains what modern cyberterrorism is. Discusses what digital tools are used by modern terrorists. The issue of the use of Social Media and AI by terrorists is discussed, on the example of the latest events between Hamas and Russia in Israel and Ukraine.
Keywords: Social Media, AI, Cyberterrorism, War, Propaganda, Misinformation
The development of technology has made life easier in every field, from transmitting information to traveling and communicating. However, the progress of civilization (in this case digital) is accompanied by the crime development. Cybercrimes and fraud are common phenomena, but one of the most important branches in the development of cybercrime is the development of cyberterrorism. However, it is not associated with the disappearance or transfer to the virtual world of the terrorism, cyberterrorism can be defined as partnering with and supporting traditional terrorism. However, I would go a bit further in my assessment by defining cyberterrorism as an element of traditional terrorism that uses Social Media and AI as its tools.
The EU defines terrorist offenses as acts intended to: seriously intimidate the population unlawfully compelling a government or international organization to do or refrain from doing something1. Robert Kośla defined cyberterrorism as activities that block, destroy or distort information processed, stored and transmitted in ICT systems and destroy (disable) these systems. He also believes that the definition of this concept also includes the use of ICT systems for disinformation and psycholo-gical warfare2. The Internet and mobile devices have created and run a greater risk by being exposed to cybercrime. Today there is an underground market, invisible, easily accessible on the Internet, for buying and selling information and marketing of tools for cybercrime. Criminals are taking advantage of this opportunity more and more.3
Rafał Kołodziejczyk distinguished several of them, among others:
backdoor – special creation of “doors” in applications by programmers;
worm or Trojan exploit wabbit spam with virus – self-replicating malware that destroys data;
cookies, cracking – using a vulnerability in the system to remove security measures;
hijacking – interception of data transmission between two computers;
phishing – a method based mainly on social engineering, consisting in imper-sonating institutions to steal data;
spyware – cyber espionage program;
sniffing – tracking network traffic and intercepting sent messages4.
New classifications can also be distinguished:
Recruitment to terrorist groups;
Religious radicalization;
In this two, as a form of social engineering – an attack taking advantage of people’s incompetence and ignorance, based on social exclusion, poverty and limited education.
Media propaganda – the use of artificial intelligence to spread manipulated content in the media and Social Media, most often using images, videos, reels;
Deepfake – creating false events using graphics and AI, reports of fake events (including war events).
The use of photographs, or rather graphics created by AI, has become popular in Social Media, many people edit their profile photos, whether on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. The use of such technology has also become popular on profiles and groups that favor certain environments. Due to the terrorist attack committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023 in Israel, a real storm broke out on social media. Unfortunately, not in the way one might expect, i.e. fulfilling an information function or solidarity with the victims. It was a massive propaganda campaign that developed especially on Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook, reaching its culmination on the day of Israel’s intervention in the Gaza zone. It is impossible to assess the tragic circumstances of the death of civilians, but there is way to assess the conduct of a terrorist organization such as Hamas (recognized as a terrorist organization in USA, Canada, UE, Israel, Japan, Australia, Egypt and Great Britain recognize only the military wing of Hamas as a terrorist group), and their coordinated action against the people of Israel. In addition to the planned attack from land, air and sea, a large-scale media campaign was carried out. Mainly disinformation, showing only the point of view of Hamas and Hezbollah. Hundreds of videos, photos/graphics and reels appeared on Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook showing the tragedy of the civilian population from the Gaza zone, blaming Israel.
Many of these photos – graphics, as they can be called professionally – are not real photographs taken either by people staying there or by war correspondents, but graphics created by artificial intelligence. Photos – graphics that closely resemble photos processed in graphic programs, most often depict life in the Gaza zone covered by military operations – these are most often families with children preparing meals on the ruins of their houses, but the best promoted target were children in the line of fire, watch the explosions. Such as the ones below that can be found on The Palestinians on Facebook profile5:
All these “photographs” were distributed on the above-mentioned portals, websites, groups and profiles of Palestinian sympathizers. At the same time, the Hamas authorities met with Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin6, gaining Russia’s full approval in their terrorist activities. Rzeczpospolita suggests that it was a birthday gift for Putin to divert attention from Ukraine7. The American Institute for the Study of War reports that the Russian authorities have intensified information attacks following the tragic Hamas attack on Israel, with the aim of diverting attention from Ukraine and limiting its support8.
Azbuka media Азбука медиа, independent Belarusian opposition media also write about the shared fake video showing the replacement of the slogan Stand with Ukraine and its flag by the inscription Stand With Israel and the Israeli flag in Manhattan9. We learn from this post that viral videos on Instagram and Tiktok that it is a deep fake.
These actions are intended to convince potential recipients that the Ukraine issue has become less important in the international arena and was quickly forgotten, and that Israel’s case is supported only by “bad people from the West”. There have been a lot of such manipulations over the last two months. However, the “We are the Russians, the greatest nation” campaign took place in parallel on the same channels and social media, promoting not only Russian history and “culture” but also their imperialism in relation to neighboring countries. The action takes place despite sanctions and the disconnection of these portals in the territory of the Russian Fede–ration, but many users of the avenues are dynamically developing their profiles using VPNs or through Russian citizens living in the EU and other countries not covered by sanctions.
Czmiel, M. (2023). Delegacja Hamasu na Kremlu. Znane są szczegóły rozmów. URL:
ISW: Kreml wykorzystuje ataki Hamasu na Izrael do osłabiania wsparcia Zachodu dla Ukrainy. (2023). PAP. URL:
Kołodziejczyk, R. (2017). New Wave of Terrorism – Cyberterrorism. Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego 2017, vol. 11, № 2
Kośla, R. (2002). Cyberterroryzm – definicja zjawiska i zagrożenie dla Polski. From Conference 2002, [cyt. za.] W. Smolski. Cyberterroryzm jako współczesne zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa państwa.
Soszyn, R. (2023). Atak na Izrael. Prezent od Hamasu na urodziny Putina. erta URL: https: //
The EU’s response to terrorism. (2023). European Council. URL: https://www.consilium.
The Palestinians. (2023). Facebook. URL: 5159377097
Азбука медиа. (2023). Instagram. URL: sh=MXRxcmVldGhxdGg3Mg%3D%3D
Master of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland, Media analyst, independent journalist, Poland
1 The EU’s response to terrorism. (2023). European Council. URL: https://www.consilium.europa. eu /pl/policies/fight-against-terrorism/
2 Kośla, R. (2002). Cyberterroryzm – definicja zjawiska i zagrożenie dla Polski. From Conference 2002, [cyt. za.] W. Smolski. Cyberterroryzm jako współczesne zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa państwa.
3 Arian Besnik Kadriu – National Security PhD Professor at University for Business and Technology Pristina, Kosovo
4 Kołodziejczyk, R. (2017). New Wave of Terrorism – Cyberterrorism. Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzyna-rodowego 2017, vol. 11, № 2
5 The Palestinians. (2023). Facebook. URL: 59377097
6 Czmiel, M. (2023). Delegacja Hamasu na Kremlu. Znane są szczegóły rozmów. URL: https: //
7 Soszyn, R. (2023). Atak na Izrael. Prezent od Hamasu na urodziny Putina. Rzeczpospolita. URL:
8 ISW: Kreml wykorzystuje ataki Hamasu na Izrael do osłabiania wsparcia Zachodu dla Ukrainy.(2023). PAP. URL:
9 Азбука медиа. (2023). Instagram. URL: M XRxcmVldGhxdGg3Mg%3D%3D