Mohsen Rostami1
In the century of “globalization”, concentration on national and regional-cultural policies is so important in the different regions versus heavy impact of global culture to maintain and develop regional cultures. Variety tools and methods are used to preserve national and regional cultures. Cultural diplomacy to provide the national and regional interests has been showing its growing influence and has changed into an important item in the foreign policy. Through Islamic Iran’s revolution victory and also Soviet Union collapsing, a great opportunity has been made to extend the influence of Iranian-Islamic civilization by political masters. Moreover, Middle Eastern countries and Caucasian membership of ECO provide a big chance to develop a wide communication and to deepen social-cultural relations.
The ECO members countries with a common culture have own regional, economical and political capabilities.
having shared cultural position, this paper is looking for foreign policy of cultural strategies and displaying the portion of shared cultures and regional convergence necessities, in one hand to develop the common culture and to prevent from destroying the sub cultures of each member and dominant culture on ECO zone, on the other hand to achieve to political, economical and security interests and benefit from the country’s foreign policy.
Key words: culture, ECO, regional policy, cultural diplomacy.
The theorists believe that political identities stem from common values and ideas and accordingly these shape interests from which behaviors and actions origin. Theorists’ main opinion on perceiving the foreign policy is that beside the material structures (such as power , interests, geo-politic , system and etc.) insight structures (ideas, beliefs, norms, thoughts and etc)should be considered seriously. These insight structures by means of states “interaction” create the shared meanings which based on them the government identity can be shaped and reconstructed. Actually paying attention to this concept is essential due to states explain their national interest and their foreign policy according to their perception and imagination about their own identity. According to formative and theoretical view one of the most important effective sources of states’ behavior is the social structure means, shared ideas and values not merely the material forces and structures; in addition, identity and interests of objective activism are recognized by these shared ideas. Hence among different types of diplomacies, such as public, media, educational diplomacy, the cultural diplomacy is the most important one. This kind of diplomacy is a set of government efforts in foreign policy which are used instead of or besides public media and the press in order to attract the attention and interest of the other countries’ audiences directly and to influence on the other communities by means of non-political tools. These tools for include teaching language, educational exchanges and the other direct cultural connections. In fact, Cultural diplomacy is a soft power to reach the hard goals. At the present time many thinkers and politicians consider the cultural relations and civilization similarities and difference as the base of the world future relations.
On the other hand, Iranian culture is a culture which had passed knowledge, wisdom, custom and manners during centuries. Although it had been attacked by the other nations and had lost a portion of his territories, it maintained its culture even influenced on the offender nations.
Currently Iran has a rich and traditional culture in its root which can actualize its goals by developing them. It is the time to be proud of our ancestral culture and start to use this precious heritage to get to an appropriate position in the region and world too.
Cultural diplomacy is an effective process by which the culture of a nation will be exposed to the world as well its unique cultural features can be promoted in a bilateral or multilateral level, of course this diplomacy should be based on strategically thought. In such thought, strategist is able to recognize which factors are effective on goals achievement or which ones are not. This insightful view of effective factors on creating values establishes cognition ability. So in accordance with Substantive viewpoint, strategically thought is “insight”. This insight helps to recognize the truths correctly in this modern complex and changeable world and it causes to creation of valuable and novel course of action in response to the new facts and situations. The strategically thought means recognition of field specifications timely and seeing the unique opportunities which create a competitive advantage and the best situation for strategist. Today, due to the inefficient power based course of actions in solving the global challenges and struggles and not being able to provide an international security, using this phenomenon in the nations is needed more than before.
This diplomacy allows political masters using international and global progress, address the nations by perceptible and shared culture to affect them. However, effect on the target country’s thoughts and leading it toward the defined goals force the government to accepts some of the people’s demands to maintain its power and legitimacy. Cultural diplomacy is a new form of diplomacy in the present age which is used by various countries especially Western developed countries. Yet it costs lot of money to be handled, its amazing effects Is clearly visible to everyone.
On the other side, Regionalization also is a National strategy to expand and influence on the other countries. Region traditionally means continents or enclosed geographic areas. Hence in Old Regionalism Theories the region means a geographical concept and is defined in terms of the geography of the land and nature. Due to non-territorial geography, emphasis on the non-material factors in the theories of regionalism is increasing in a proportion that conceptual theories in the field of regional studies and regionalism are emerged. In these theories geography and financial interdependence of ideas and notion of cognitive from regional socialization process are emphasized rather than objective criteria.
According to definitions of regionalism, whether traditional or modern, Islamic Republic of Iran is pretty similar to Indian subcontinent, Central Asia and Caucasus. This matter has been formed officially by Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). Member states of Echo are located in one of the most important areas of the world with almost common historical and cultural heritage. Because of some Cultural proximity as well as establishment of headquarters and cultural institutions In Iran, this organization provide some opportunities for Iran that if they be exploited well, there might be a solvable elixir for Iran’s problems. It seems that due to traditional view of some cultural authorities to West, these opportunities have not been used well.
One of the most important areas of West Asia (as domain of outlook) in which Islamic Republic of Iran plays a major role is ECO region. Supreme Leader in a meeting of Islamic Republic officials in 1385 stated: …. The basic strategies of the country should not be denigrated… but these should be followed seriously… doing regional cooperation…such things which are being done right now: Eco, Chinghai and etc – these are necessary actions. We should follow these things seriously and make an effort. {4}
He has also been emphasizing on regionally establishing multilateral mechanisms
and about institutions on regional and multilateral engagement says: one of our basic tasks is to build some collections.
Although it is so difficult, it is a successful action. Creating suitable collections by means of various excuses such as Eco… We can do two types of collections: firstly, in the Islamic countries by means of various excuses, supposedly Persian-speaking countries, the countries of Central Asia, the Caspian States; secondly, in leading Asian countries in which Iran plays a crucial role and none of the countries has not this importance even Indonesia and Malaysia, which are economically, advanced countries. In fact, this importance belongs to these countries but we can try, collection should be done. {5}
Islamic Republic of Iran, the host secretariat country and an effective member of the ECO, with the other states, especially Turkey and Pakistan compete and corporate widely. In addition, Iran is located in the center of geographic area and because of its close culture to ECO members; it can be considered as cultural center of Eco since it also is responsible for hosting the ECO Cultural Institute. This shows the importance of the position and influence of Iran in the region.
However, considering the importance of Eco for Iran and vice versa, Iran’s functions were not appropriate to its capacity as one of the founding members of the ECO during the previous years. That is, it has been affected by different tastes and priorities of periodical governments.
For this reason and the other ones like I.R.I’s cultural trial and error policy in the region, Lack of scientific strategy in interactional relations in ECO region especially in cultural field, Lack of adequate research on this matter and existent cultural challenges in the ECO region this research is carried out.
The main issue of this article is to develop some strategies based on Iran’s foreign policy principles in the cultural field in ECO region with regard to conflicts in the region to use these opportunities to achieve its higher cultural aims. Component of these strategies, why and how are also considered in this article. In this research cultural strategy is assumed as diplomacy. Indeed, diplomacy can be called the foreign policy strategy.
The main purpose of this research is to Identify Cultural strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy in the ECO region, according to the country’s cultural advantages. For this reason, research questions are following the Cultural Strategies of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the ECO region, and Iran’s cultural rivals in the region.
The main hypothesis of the research is based on this theory:
Because of the shared cultural background between Iran and ECO, despite the existence of a tough rival such as Turkey and its wide cultural activities, , Iranian cultural influence can be expanded and upgraded using cultural diplomacy (especially through ECO Cultural Institute potential) .
Iran’s cultural diplomacy Parameters in ECO region
In this research to measure cultural structures, using literature and experts’ opinion, many parameters were investigated and the following parameters are considered:
-The impact of a common religion and the Muslim majority in the promotion of eco-Regional integration.
-Coordinating efforts of the media and interactive broadcasting in the Region for further convergence and promoting Regional culture.
– Impact of Tourism attractions in the Region, development of Tourism industry and the promotion of Regional integration.
– Interaction Sports between Regional countries, especially members of ECO for Regional cooperation.
– Similar ethnicities in the Regional countries as a cooperation factor.
– Impact on cultural cooperation, such as holding specialized Exhibitions of arts and culture by ECO Cultural Institute and opinion exchanging of cultural celebrities toward formation of further Regional integration.
– Priority to the promotion of Persian language and script and also Iranian customs, considering the Iranian history and civilization background of the most countries in the Region
– The role of fixation and share scientific and cultural celebrities and literary figures such as Avicenna, Rumi, Rudaki, Nasir Khosro, Khwarizmi and Khaqani in Regional Integration.
Respondents’ agreement measurement diagram on thisphrase: “A concerted effort to engagethe Region mediaand Broadcasting topromoteRegional culturewilllead to a greater convergence”.
Completely agree Agree Disagree Completely Disagree No Idea
Basic Theories
Eco due to its several potentials can influence on global issues at great length. This organization encompasses about 8 million square kilometers area and approximately 450 million people that equals almost 20% of Asia continent and 6% of the world totally. Eurasia and Persian Gulf which are 2 geopolitical and geo-economical regions in the world are located in this geographical union. Eco’s direct access to the world’s large waterways such as Persian Gulf, Oman Sea, India Gulf, Mediterranean, Black sea and Caspian Sea and existence of wide communicative networks have provided many capacities for this organization. Furthermore, having shared borders with powerful states such as India, China, Russia and that Eco member states as well as enjoying from large energy sources and existence of the most Islamic countries in this organization and culture variety all have added its importance.
Although Eco was an economical cooperative organization and was established to improve the interregional business, this region forms a civilized zone and its cultural capacities and power can be invested so that benefit its common civilization potentials for further convergence. The most important aspects are mentioned below:
- Religion
Being Moslem of Eco members not only does increase their sympathy and make them invulnerable against other options, but also encourages nations to increase trade and facilitate their economical cooperation. Region states in which Islam principles in their legislation is considered, the great goal of banking without usury or money loaned without interest will be achieved or people trust on imported goods from Eco member states to preserve some legitimate aspects such as legitimate domestic animals slaughtering or producing halal products.
- History
The history and historical destination of nation of this region is pretty similar too. Ignoring political borders, most of these countries are locate in a large civilized zone which is called Iranian civilization. The Tajik knows The Samanides as the founder of their nationality and Iranian also believe that The Samanides has revived Iranian culture and has prevented Persian literature from being disappeared for ever. The other instance is The Seljuk _ although they were strange Turkish- they were the biggest dynasty of post Islam era which appeared from Iran and conquered wide range of regions from Send River to Eastern Rome. The Turkish knows this Iranian dynasty as presenter of their civilization because Ottomans were the survivors of this Turkish Seljuk.
- Customs and traditions
Customs and traditions stem from traditional beliefs. These traditional roots are enough powerful that even the most open minded people who consider themselves free from conventional fetters, still can’t separate themselves from these customs. Especial feelings which are generated by holding the traditions can be sufficient ground to increase sympathy. Although the culture of this land always combines its religion and nationality together and many national customs are painted with religion, still national customs and religious ceremonies can be distinguished. The great and common ceremonies such as Eyd-e Fetr, Eyd-e Ghorban, Ramadan month and Hajj gathering are from Islamic capabilities which can be used to increase unity in Eco zone.
- Language and literature
Regarding similar language roots of pre-Islam era which we know it as Indian- Iranian language, after Islam advent Persian language also was dominant in this territory and was as first or second language; it means it was as an official language of the court. The great Persian poets such as Nezami ganjavi , Rodaki Naser khosro and Molana Jalaledin are in their tombs out of Iran in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkey respectly that it itself shows Iranian dominance.
ECO Cultural Institute’s Operations to Apply Common Culture Capacities
Emphasizing on the common items can have an effective role in developing cultural convergence of Islamic Republic of Iran with Region countries, especially central Asia. Particularly because retrieving the previous identity is one of their long-term plans, so trying to show a transparent past based on their identity is the best way to achieve a cultural convergence.
Having been independent, most of these countries welcome to same level cultural affairs relations with Iran. Also cultural convergence with central Asia states can be a positive advantage for Iran in the international communities.
Islamic Republic of Iran has common history and grounds with Region countries and through a strategically planning can get benefits from this opportunity as well Eco cultural institute, in relation with region countries, offers the most important potential to Iran to use the valuable cultural factors. Countries which are organizational seat always make use of this chance to develop their goals in the organization.
At the present time Eco and its cultural institute is the only regional and international organization that their seats are located in Iran and a large number of its managers and professional staffs are from Iran. Therefore, the scope of free act and the range of Iran’s effectiveness on decisions of this organization is more than any other organization.
passing over two decades from establishment of this institution some actions has been taken in order to improve the cultural relation in Eco: holding the meetings of Eco cultural ministers, publishing some magazines such as ( Eco Norouzi ) in Persian language, Eco Naivety in Russian, Eco Times in English and a quarterly periodical in English called Eco Heritage and also making efforts to publish some magazines in Turkish and Urdu Language ، founding the union of national libraries and national archives, that are the main source of written information in every state, effort to build broadcasting union of member states and founding Eco News Agency.
Turkey cultural activities
Experts who are acquainted with Turkey’s 2003 foreign policy, are also aware of identity concept in doctrine of strategically depth and know about its relationship with close neighbors. In many ways, turkey’s current foreign policy doctrine emphasizes on culture in foreign relations and so Turkey’s approach is close to English extensions structure. Turkey’s foreign minister explicitly recommended a civil influence zone as the heir of Ottoman Empire including Middle East, some section of Central Asia and Caucasia. According to DavoodOghlo’s doctrine, Turkey’s responsibility based on historical and organic ties and relations has been dictated to it.
By Soviet Union collapse, the Regionism element of turkey’s foreign policy emerged as “Pan Turkism” framework as a political tool for Central Asia and Caucasia relations; since supporting the Turks Union considered as a tool to gain the power.
That time the Turkey’s aim of introducing Pan Turkism idea was to prove to the Europeans and Americans that the best way to keep away newly independence countries from Islamic fundamentalism and Russia is following the Turkey’s secular government. Present activities of Turkey displays that they are making use of region changes to show themselves as a model. It seems that West is supporting Turkey model against Islamic Republic of Iran’s model. If we supposed that the Western countries, especially U.S, are not going struggle Islam world directly, at least they should support some currents against others (making parallel current). Therefore, it seems that the West prefers Turkey’s Islamic model which is not Islam based actually but it is Moslem oriented to the other Islam based models such as Iranian, Arabic (fundamentalism and Salafi models) and even Malaysia one. Turkey has so components in linking to the West, even ignoring the Ottoman history, that among them its membership in NATO is very considerable. One of the senior consultant, Ershad Hormozly,the Turkey president Abdollah Gol, stated that:” we support the peaceful Islam and even moderate Islam is disqualifying in our opinion” that shows the Turkey effort is toward being as a model in Middle East and Central Asia; the existence of countries which think and behave like Turkey not only does make this country powerful but also facilitates the progress of its policies.
Today, Turkey in cooperation of Azerbaijan Republic is trying seriously to eliminate the existence of common cultures of Iran and Central Asia countries; Turkey is also attempting to develop and publicize this view among region nations that Cossack, Turks, Kyrgyzstan and Turk man cannot be offspring of persons such as Saadi and Kharazmi . On the other hand the identity crisis and necessity of national heroes had led the region countries to falsify the history and confiscate the celebrities of Iran’s culture and civil.
On the other hand, Uzbeks has confiscated the Samarkand, Bukhara and Iranian celebrities and deny their Iranian nationality; not only have they removed all Iranian and Persian books from the Bukhara library, but have been preventing from improvement of Persian Dari, the native language of local people. the Tajiks has confiscated Rodaki and Naserkhosro in Tajikistan and deny their Iranian identity, the Uzbeks know Kharazmi, mathematician genius, as their own and the Cassocks has confiscated Rarabi, Anatoly Turks and sometimes Afghanistan Balkhis know Molavi as their own and Azari Turks has confiscated Nezami, Khaghani,Khaje Nasiradin Toosi,Fazollah Hamedani, Bahanyar and Saeb and know them as Turk. These matters really should make us worried! Although all of these celebrities had lived in Iran land, their language was Persian and their works were in Persian too.
Conceptual model
Considering the above-mentioned issues, the theory framework of this paper is represented below:
Obviously in this framework regional and international conditions and requirements as an external environment has been focused. The current situation of cultural diplomacy in Eco Region (key factors such as religion, history, culture, races, customs , language ,and literature and etc.) are the conceptual data of this framework in which the creative interaction strategy through the supreme leader guidelines and the foreign policy principle of Islamic Republic of Iran (wisdom, honor and expedient) and considering the strategically advantages (process) the strategies of I.R.I cultural diplomacy will be recognized in Eco Region(output).
The scope of this research is ECO. So the scientific and university centers as well as administrative entities of these countries were referred or their documents were studied. Also we have referred to the other centers that the related journalists and elites were available and also organizations and institutions which directly and indirectly have activities, especially ECO cultural institution, Culture and Islamic guidance Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry and culture and Islamic communication organization.
The population of this research includes the variety range of scientific and administrative elites, cultural authorities and heads of institutions dependent to ECO, former and current representative of our country in ECO .by the primary estimation the population were estimated less than 100 subjects so the total subject countingmethod is used.
Data collection of this research was combination and mixed i.e. the data were collected by means of field method, scientific and specialty library research methods. The most important tools were: interview, questionnaire and content analysis. Also we used scientific and specialty library method tools such as scientific and specialty books on the studied area, researching and scientific papers, first-hand documents, documents of formal institutions and scientific internet WebPages.
Research analysis and findings
The above-mentioned parameters were changed into the question form and were reviewed and analyzed by research subjects. The results are as follow: rate of respondent’s agreement with this statement “media coordinated effort and interaction of broadcasting of region countries leads to more convergence and improves regional culture” was as follow: 30 percent were completely agree, 47.8 percent agree, 5.5 percent disagree or completely disagree. In addition, 16.7 percent just said “no idea”. 5.5 percent of respondents were “disagree”. In sum 77.8 percent believed that media coordinated efforts and existence of interactive radio and television among region countries lead to more convergence and improve the regional culture. Generally in setting the strategies this cumulative percentage will be focused.
The rate of respondents’ agreement with this statement “Region countries tourism attractions the development of tourism industry lead to region convergence especially in the ECO area” was: 34.4 percent of respondents were completely agree, 54.4 percent agree 2.2 % disagree and 8.9 % said no idea. Hence totally 88.8 percent of respondents believed that according to the tourism attractions of region, the tourism industry development will improve the region convergence, especially Eco zone which in codifying the strategies will be paid attention to this aggregate percentage.
The diagram of respondents agreement rate with this statement “according to the tourism attractions of region countries, the development of tourism industry causes region convergence development, especially in Eco Region”(percent)
The agreement rate respondents with this statement “development of sport interactions among region countries, especially member of Eco causes to further convergence in region” is as following:
3.1 percent of respondents were ‘ completely agree”, 1.1 percent “disagree “, also 15.6 percent of respondents just said “no idea “. So in total 83.3 percent of respondents believed that development of sport interactions among region countries, especially member of Eco will cause increasing of region convergence which in codifying the strategies will be pay attention to this aggregate percent.
The diagram of respondents agreement rate with this statement “development of sport interactions among region countries, especially Eco member, will increase the region converge” (percentage)
The rate of respondents agreement with this statement “in common religion and being Moslem of majority of Eco members had made an opportunity for developing the regional convergence ” is as following :
27.8 percent of respondents were “completely agree “, 52.2 percent “agree”, 5.5 percent were “completely disagree or disagree “. Also 14.4 percent just said “no idea “. So totally 80 percent of respondents believed that in common religion and being Moslem of majority of member states in Eco provide appropriate opportunity for developing the regional convergence which in codifying the strategies will be pay attention to this aggregate percent.
The agreement rate of respondents with this statement “existence of similar ethnics in region states is a negative factor in region convergence” is as following:
45.6 percent of respondents were “disagree”, 5.6 percent were “completely disagree “, and 13.3 percent were “agree “. Also 32.2 percent of respondents just said “no idea “. So in total 51.2 percent of respondents believe that existence of similar ethnics in region states is not a negative factor in region convergence which in codifying the strategies will be paid attention to this aggregate percentage.
The agreement rate of respondents with this statement “cultural co operations such as holding the cultural and art special exhibitions by Eco cultural institution and interlocution of cultural well-known people can be effective in shaping the more regional convergence ” is as following:
28.9 percent of respondents were “completely agree “, 57.8 percent “agree “, 1.1 percent “disagree” and 12.2 percent just said “no idea “. So in total 86.7 percent of respondents believe that cultural co operations such as cultural and art special exhibitions by Eco cultural institution and interlocution of cultural well known people can be effective in shaping the more regional convergence which in codifying the strategies will be paid attention to this aggregate percentage.
The agreement rate of respondents with this statement ” according to the Iranian historical and cultural roots and backgrounds of the most of region states, so promotion of the Persian language, script and its customs should be in the top of cultural programs of Eco cultural institution ” is as following :
18.9 percent of respondents were “completely agree “, 37.8 percent “agree “, 22.2 percent were “completely disagree or disagree “, while 21.1 percent of respondents just said “no idea “. So in total 56.7 percent of respondents believed that according to the Iranian historical and cultural roots and backgrounds in the most of the region states, promotion of Persian language and handwriting and its customs should be in the top of the cultural programs of Eco cultural institution which in codifying the strategies will be paid attention to this aggregate percentage.
The diagram of agreement rate of respondents with this statement ” according to Iranian historical and cultural roots and backgrounds of the most region states, promotion Persian language , script and Iranian customs should be in the top of the cultural programs of Eco cultural institution “( percentage)
The agreement rate of respondents with this statement “the fixation and in common scientific, cultural and literary well-known people such as Avicenna, Molana, Rodaki, Naser khosro, Kharazmi, and Khaghani in region can provide basis for regional convergence ” is as following:
23.3 percent of respondents were “completely agree “, 53.3 percent “agree “, 4.4 percent announced that they are “disagree “while 18.9 percent just said “no idea “. So in total 76.7 percent of respondents believed that the fixation and in common scientific, cultural and literary well-known people such as Avicenna, Molana, Rodaki, Naser khosro, Kharazmi and Khaghani in region can provide basis for regional convergence which in codifying the strategies will be paid attention to this aggregate percentage.
The diagram of agreement rate with this statement: “the fixation and in common scientific, cultural and literary well-known people such as Avicenna, Molana, Rodaki, Naserkhosro, Kharazmi and Khaghani in region can provide basis for regional convergence “.
The findings of this paper are used to codify the strategies.
Cultural Orientation in Region Co operations
Many regional arrangements across the world have been set for cultural motivations, because countries with the same or close culture know the values of these co operations well. About Eco also two separate interests in applying cultural interactions can be considered: one is promoting public cultural level of member states and more convergence, and the other is facilitation of economical acts under the shared culture shadow. In the world where inevitably proceed toward being a global village, the first thing which will be destroyed by the actions of extortionate dominant civilizations is nothing but subcultures. Cultural colonization process with the economical and social development slogan leads nations to be strange with their own heirs and also it uproots the oral customs and ethnical social systems. In this situation, development and increasing the cultural linkages can prevent subcultures from being destructed and lead to creation of world with beautiful cultural manifestation. On the other hand, generating shared feeling of affection among members results in political, economical and security interests such as government motivation to decrease tariffs and eliminate the non tariff obstacles, making people interested in buying the region products, elimination of borders problems such as insecurity and smuggling, development of cultural tourism and gaining very much interests beside it. When allied people in Eco know themselves correlate to a large civil, they know the problems of others as theirs and others’ victory is theirs, too.
Findings analysis
Islamic Republic of Iran as a state with a thousand year cultural backgrounds and as orientation and seat of Eco and its cultural institute by adopting the specific and macro strategies should make some efforts to develop the Islamic _Iranian culture and self-esteem of region nations.
According to the research results and to answer the research questions considering the hypothesis, the following guidelines are recommended:
One of the main guideline for Islamic _Iranian culture is developing the regional tourism, to achieve this aim Eco cultural organization can facilitate this issue by showing the tourism beautiful places. About this topic 88.8 percent of respondents believe that according to the region tourism attractions, the development of tourism industry will improve the Eco zone convergence.
One of the other important guidelines for Iran is developing the educational activities for member states, especially in high education level for students of this region, for example promoting Eco Insurance High Education Institution into Eco University. At the present time the only faculty which is known as Eco Faculty is the Eco Insurance Faculty- a faculty with small room and limit fields that is never similar to an institution dependent on the regional organization with long-term idealistic goals.
On the other hand, the other potentials which Iran up to now has not utilized it include granting scholarship to region students in order to study in Iran. Though even in far flung areas of our country there are universities branches, the number of foreign students is very small. So Iran can devote a remarkable share to Eco member states for dispatching students annually.
The other recommended guideline is teaching Farsi besides the other languages of region in the universities of member states which can help to cultural development of Iran. 56.7 percent of respondents believe that according to the Iranian historical and cultural roots and backgrounds of the most parts of region states, promotion of Persian language and script and its customs should be in the top of the cultural programs of Eco cultural institution. In other words, dispatching the skilled masters for teaching in the region universities will show the Iran’s scientific power for people, youth and elites of region.
Norouz is an Iranian traditional ceremony which displays the Iranian cultural magnificence in the region but the authorities of our country have limited the Norouz to invite the political masters of region states who are not interested in Iranian culture, while we can provide the grounds to hold the magnificent festivals by presence of thousands of people from region states. About holding the central Norouz festivals, Eco can play an important role and concurrent with holding festivals can give information about the backgrounds of Norouz. In this ground, the effort of Eco member states in broadcasting co operations had not intangible results, while 77.8 percent of respondents believe that media cooperative efforts and interaction of region states broadcasting lead to more convergence and improve the region culture.
Eco cultural institution can provide the grounds for effective present of this organization in the cultural issues of member states and subsequently Iran as Eco’s central section through attracting The Eco cultural outlook, especially to developing the sport interactions. 83.3percent of respondents believe that development of sport interactions among region countries, especially Eco members, will increase the region convergence.
One of the disagreements of member states is about region’s great men and celebrities which during the recent years this argument had been increasing. About this issue Eco cultural institution should effort to eliminate these negative competitions and assign those men and celebrities as the traditional celebrities of the region states and each ethnic and race had participated in growing this steady tree. About this subject 76.6 percent of respondents believe that in common scientific and cultural and literary celebrities such as Avecenna, Molana, Rodaki, Naserkhosro, Kharazmi, and Khaghani can provide the grounds for regional convergence.
while Iran and Turkey as two Islamic states had developed their relations, particularly by appointment of Islam supporters, Iran authorities in global political equations always try to activate the Ankara-Tehran orientation as two important political poles, but unfortunately recent actions of Turkey like supporting the Asad’s opponent, supporting the Maleki’s opponent in Iraq and acceptance of locating the NATO and U.S missile on Turkey’s lands are accounted as an opposite step in the current relations.
During the recent world transformation, Turkey has shown that it does not agree with Iran’s orientation but at least it is supposed to help developing Eco’s cultural plans because it is a member of this organization and this involvement cannot harm it. Moreover, Iran can play an important role in region by developing its economical activities in and out of Eco organization. Definitely due to special geo-political position of Iran and its ability to solve the problem of getting access to free water zone, it plays a crucial role in the region.
The common religion, history, language and customs can play an important role in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s cultural diplomacy and advancing the political and regional purposes of the country. Insisting on this parallelism leads to emerge the sense of community interest among Eco nations and by this means the economical trade of Iran will be more convenient and also development of region economics will be guaranteed.
Currently, the Asia Southwest, especially central Asia and Caucasus had become effective regions in world evolutions; Its close distance to china, India and Russia and having rich gas and oil resources add to its importance. in the wide competition of regional powers such as Turkey and interregional such as vs., china and Europe unfortunately Iran had not got access to an acceptable level of convergence and influence. Our country besides common culture and language , has a tool called Eco and its cultural institution that existence of these two situation centers in Iran make an opportunity for Iran to improve its influence or region by setting the strategically documents of Iran’s cultural development in region ignoring slogans.
the cultural diplomacy has not yet been determined its real position in the Iran’s cultural decision makers’ mind and foreign policy as well it seems that Iran has not gained benefit from the unique opportunity of Soviet Union collapse. Considering the hundreds century old civil – historical linkage between Iran and Eco ‘s countries especially Middle East and Caucasus after collapse, an excellent historical opportunity was in hand of Iran which by enough attention Iran could make use of it against the widening influence of world in order to reinforce and promote Islamic – Iranian culture. This opportunity still exists; no doubt performing of this policy firstly requires scientific and accurate recognition of these countries requirements, demands and also Iran’s capabilities and abilities in order to generate useful relationship and cultural promotion in region which can accelerate the regionalism procedure based on region’s historical entity and provide the possibility of utilization internal capacities against the globalization waves. Up to now for many reasons such as lack of accurate recognition and historical view of some authorities into West, these capacities have not considered. Maintaining and promoting the cultural relation and its different advantages in many aspects can be followed by development of the social and cultural relations.
The present negligence to this scope will make its compensation pretty difficult due to fast procedure of culture globalization and existence of actual and potential competitors such as turkey. To make benefit from this situations we should review the priority of cultural and scientific cooperation in the region and alter the current procedures. However, at the present time not only have not Eco’s potential capacities been used, but also actual capacities such as Eco cultural and high education institution have not been applied well.
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1 . Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of the University and Higher National Defense Research