Executive Summary
NATO nations face three converging challenges that together require renewed European resource commitments to defense: 1) extreme Russian military aggressiveness and revanchism as displayed in Ukraine, and which if unchecked could extend beyond Ukraine, 2) rising Chinese military power and China’s ‘no limits’ partnership with Russia, and 3) the need to rapidly rebalance and redistribute NATO defense responsibilities in light of America’s growing global defense commitments.
Faced with this alarming situation, we, the undersigned members of The Alphen Group recommend adoption of a new Atlantic Charter 2025. While the Charter contains recommendations for detailed benchmarks, metrics, roadmaps, and force structure; its principal focus is to accelerate significantly Europe’s ability to execute SACEUR’s new Family of Defense Plans and reduce today’s excessive dependence on the United States. This is consistent with President-elect Trump’s notion that European defense contributions are wholly inadequate to meet current and future needs.
Implemented properly, the recommendations in this Charter would significantly strengthen European defense capabilities and reduce worldwide pressures on American forces. Global security and transatlantic solidarity would be enhanced as a result. The implicit deal would be that America’s strong commitment to NATO’s Article 5 would be sustained in return for a European defense buildup leading to a more capable and balanced Alliance.

In addition. the Allies must commit themselves to helping Ukraine defeat Russian aggression as a critical requirement for the future of transatlantic security and preservation of the rules-based international order.
We the undersigned urge NATO leaders at the June 2025 Summit in The Hague to: 1) commit to rapidly building European and Canadian capabilities to execute SACEUR’s new Family of Defense Plans, and 2) consider creation of a new Defense, Security and Resilience Bank to help finance this effort.